Paragraph Writing
Global warming
Global warming means the increase of the world's temperature. The world temperature is increasing day by day. The greenhouse effect is the most likely cause of this global warming. Carbon dioxide is mainly responsible for this increase. Deforestation around the world, increasing number of vehicles on the roads, burning down of tropical rainforests, rapid growth of industry etc. are responsible for the increase of carbon dioxide. This gas accumulates in the atmosphere and causes temperature to rise. The effects of global warming are serious and dangerous. Most climatologists believe that by midway through the next century temperature may have risen by as much as four degree centigrade. This will greatly
আরো পড়ুন : A Farmer বিষয়ক Paragraph Writing লিখন, ২য় পর্ব
reduce man’s ability to grow food and damage wildlife and wilderness. As a result of global warming, the ice in the polar region is melting. This may raise the sea level of water and flood coastal areas. The alarming news of Bangladesh is that the lower Southern part of the country may one day go underwater. Some measures should be taken to prevent global warming. We should plant more trees as trees absorb carbon dioxide. Old vehicles must not be allowed to ply on the roads. The most important thing is to raise public awareness in this regard.
লেখক : সিনিয়র শিক্ষক, ইংরেজি
আইডিয়াল স্কুল অ্যান্ড কলেজ, মতিঝিল, ঢাকা